Services For Professionals

Legal Services For Professionals

Solie Law offer access to high quality but cost effective LAWYERS IN GAMBIA for professional clients, accountants, global charities, NGO’s, overseas accountants, foreign banks, international financial institutions & public bodies

Our lawyers aim to provide a full range of effective legal solutions to the many problems which can confront you in a business and social context in The Gambia.  Above all, we are here to help you.

Our business lawyers specialise in providing legal advice to all businesses across the spectrum ranging from small and medium-sized businesses to large international corporations.

Legal Services to Professional Business Clients

A great deal of our business comes from other professionals – Lawyers, Accountants, Banks, Financial Advisers etc.

This is because many recognise that they do not have the expertise to give legal advice in The Gambia.

Attempting to give advice in those cases is probably in breach of the professionals’ obligation only to take on cases in which he has sufficient expertise to give an adequate service.  It is also, these days, dangerous in that it can lead to compensation claims from dissatisfied Clients.

Professional Disputes & Legal Problems in The Gambia

If you have a business dispute or problem in Gambia & need legal advice or representation, please phone, email or write.

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